Elvish name translator!

Well, my name doesn't even warrant a translation! I'll probably find it's in the Orc name translator!
Well the closest listing for my daughter's first middle name is Luthien. She should be thrilled; she is a fan of one Luthien Tinuviel. Her other middle name is Huoriel.
I couldn't translate her first name and my elvish name sucks. You think I would have a better elvish name as I am often accused of being half-elven (its the darn pointy ears).
mine's not so bad...it does rather roll off one's tongue...

The closest I could get to my real name was -

You and me both, Wiggum. I've never even met anyone with my real first name... and let me tell you it's a lot more obscure than Boaz.
I feel offended how can they have Abdullah and not the most famous and most used name in Islamic,Arabic world and many other places in the world :eek:

Odd as apparently my name means 'All' by that translator, which is the German and French meaning, but by a few I've seen before, the English meaning is 'beautiful fairy, or elf.'

I like the English one much better :)
They didn't have my name (I guess the more gaelic names don't rate), and their translator service is down. I'll keep you posted, if I remember.

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