European Moon Craft

I'm a massive fan of Ion Drives. mainly it's the first real step up from chemical rockets into electrical based forms of propultion.

May this upward progression contine...
This is really good news.

I like the idea of other nations, groups of nations, having a space industry, because, well speaking as an American (despite a few interesting projects) I think we've dropped the ball.

I'm rooting for the Chinese actually. I was hoping there would be a bit of a cold war type space race between China and ourselves. Not sure if it will work that way. It would be really cool if China did something undiplomatic like claiming the moon or getting to mars and then saying its theirs :D . The competition might be what the doctor ordered to get our asses in gear.

I was born in '71 and I was completely convinced we would have colonized Mars by now when I was a kid. Yet the decades keep drifting by and not much has happened since 7/20/69. I hope some other nation will run with it, if we gave it up.

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