4.18: In A Mirror, Darkly (Part I)


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
from Scifi Wire

Rick Berman: "...we have a two-parter dealing with a mirror universe, the same mirror universe that was visited in [the] original series, 100 years in the future, and also on Deep Space Nine, 200 years in the future."

from Trek Today

Manny Coto: "We're really excited about that one. It'll be as if you changed the channel to Enterprise and you get the mirror universe version of the show. We're even going to change the title sequence. People will be wondering, what show is this?"

Reportedly opens with an angry mob attacking the Vulcans as they attempt to make first contact with Earth on April 5, 2063.
Star Trek Magazine
The story will also reveal the fate of the USS Defiant, last seen in 'The Tholian Web' TOS, which also means the return of the Tholians...

...expect to see a space battle between the Constitution-class Federation Starship and spaceships from the mirror universe.
This story is pretty exciting so far.

And I loved the title sequence change.

I'm a big fan of the Mirror Universe and they seem to be making all the right steps so far.

One thing that's hard to get over is the use of the Classic Trek ship. Compared to Enterprise it doesn't look futuristic at all.
But it is supposed to have better weapons and better engines.

Maybe the timeline would have been problematic for the story they want to tell, but they really should have used something from the Trek movies instead.

I also really wonder about how this fits into regular continuity. I think it would take a good explanation from the writers or fans. Is it a different ship? I didn't catch the name. It looks like the classic Enterprise. But, how is that possible?

Edit: Woops, USS Defiant . . I thought we were talking DS9's Defiant.
I wasn't aware of the Original Trek origins.

I would have really loved the Defiant from DS9 falling into the hands of the Empire.
I really enjoyed this one too. I was surprised at the title sequence, different music and violent images. My only question is, did the Vulcans who made first contact know anything about humans? Because if they did, wouldn't they have know that humans were so violent and avoided them? That's the only thing that kinda bugged me.
I enjoyed it right from the start with Zephram Cochrane shooting the Vulcan. I forgot what this episode was, and for a moment thought "What!"

Synopsis from StarTrek.com
In an alternate universe, an amoral, imperialistic version of the Enterprise crew, led by Captain Forrest with Archer as his treacherous first officer, makes an astonishing discovery during a mission into enemy alien territory.

While a power-hungry Archer schemes against Captain Forrest, his lover Hoshi, and loyal slave T'Pol, so he can lay full claim to the discovery. Later, Phlox happily tortures a captured Tholian for information requested by Archer.

Phlox and Reed were really relishing their roles, as was Hoshi!

I liked the upgraded Tholians and Tholian Web.

One problem with this episode was that it may have been too inaccessible for non-star trek geeks. McHorde-Trooper already indicated that he was confused by the USS Defiant appearance. My son, who has been avidly watching this season, but never watched Star Trek before, just asked me question after question during this episode. They also threw in Delta Radiation (Captain Pike) references and more that I've forgotten. It was the 700th episode of Star Trek, but may have been confusing if you've not seen all the others first.
I didn't really like this episode in general. I was taken aback by the unexpected change in opening titles but thought OK lets give this a go and........... by halfway I was thinking WTF is going on here, the women all in cut off uniforms (pure sexist fantasy there), Archer with a vicious streak, poor old Tucker with his face all mangled and sex mad Hoshi and Polly.........they all seemed like caricatures of themselves. I have to admit I wasn't impressed although I did find the more brooding Archer rather sexy. The TOS type Defiant looked dated and clumsy compared to the NX-01 even if it did have superior weapons and speed. I'll give the next episode a watch but so far I'm not convinced I'll like it..........
I can understand why you didn't like this,
Originally posted by Marianne
they all seemed like caricatures of themselves.
...but isn't that the whole point. It is meant to be a fun episode. There have been many 'fun' episodes in trek so that's nothing new. DS9 had far too many in my opinion (and there was serious overacting in the DS9 'mirror universe' episodes. Even TOS had "Catspaw". At least this did had some interesting 'what if' ideas. Too many of these kinds of episodes begins to wear thin. IMHO Stargate SG-1 does way too many, but 'Enterprise' has been sparing with them.
Yes I can see what you mean, just to do something wildly different and knock the fans out of any complacency they might have had. I am a dyed in the wool Enterprise fan and I have become very comfortable with the way the characters are, I know what to expect, and it was a shock to the system to see them portrayed so differently. I'm going to watch the episode again without prejudice this time and see if I can relate to it more. Part II might convince me, but I still can't shake the feeling that it was written like a comic book strip to take the p*ss. Kudos to the actors tho' to be able to take their character's personas into which they have settled over the past 4 years and twist them around completely, a complete mirror image you might say.
These two episodes were some of the best star trek TV of any of the series.

I loved them espeacily the beggening:alienooh:
