X2: X-Men United (2003)


Sovs Favorite Moderator
Sep 30, 2000
I havent seen this movie myself yet.

Author: Kim S. August, reporter
Source: Jam! Showbiz
Date: 11/22/00

The Jam! Showbiz Web site recently reported on an article in the Toronto Sun in which actress Anna Paquin talked about the sequel to the X-Men movie.

"I`m signed for it and want to be in it," said Paquin of a sequel.

Paquin, who will be seen in the Sean Connery drama Finding Forrester in December, is now a freshman in college in New York City and can only shoot films on her winter and summer breaks. So the schedule would have to be right for her to reprise her role as Rogue.

Paquin also mentioned that she hasn`t yet been told of any specific plans for a sequel, nor has she been informed as to whether director Bryan Singer would return to helm the second of the proposed X-Men trilogy.

"I don`t know anything about that," she said of the sequel plans, "but I can`t imagine making that movie without him."

One aspect of being part of the X-Men phenomenon that seems strange to Paquin is seeing herself made into an action figure. The actress, who owns 12 of the figures, was a bit self-conscious about the design process because she had a say in the final version.

"The doll is freaky. It just`s a creepy process because, at the end of it, you have this little six-inch plastic of yourself running aroundall over the world in toy stores and little kids` playrooms. It`s just kind of a slightly weird thing to think about."
X-Men 2: from the 'Dark horizons' wesite:

The Toronto Sun reports that the sequel is slated to move ahead into production this Fall for release next July, despite indications from those involved that basically that is just not going to be possible.

Nevertheless the article does focus on the fact the film looks like it will not be shot in Montreal again, with Vancouver currently in the lead as the replacement candidate whilst Sydney and Toronto are also on the list (Bryan Singer is currently in Sydney shooting 7UP commercials so an inspection may be in order).

Sounds reasonable enough though the article also indicates Singer has confirmed that Gambit, Beast and Jubilee will all appear despite the fact it was indicated earlier only Beast seems to be on the candidates list.
I hope the 2nd is as good as the first :rain: When I first bought the movie I drove my whole family nuts by watching it day in and day out.
I wonder what they'll come up with for the plot though?









The blue chic was still alive at the end, maybe she'll come back, I liked her.
All rumors I've herd point to the next movie being about the Sentinels. For those of you who don't know much about X-Men, Sentinels are huge mutant-seeking robots created to detect mutants and "keep them in check".
X-Men 2 - News and Speculation

---> Creating thread for discussion of the sequel to 2000's popular comic book adaptation.
No one chomping at the bit yet? Only 10 months and counting...

Filming of "X2" began in British Columbia, Canada, in June 2002. The movie is not due to hit North American theatres until May 2003, when it will no doubt be big competition for the first Matrix Sequel, The Matrix Reloaded.

All the major characters are back on board, with a few additions,

Director: Bryan Singer (X-Men, The Usual Suspects)
Stars: Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, Famke Janssen, James Marsden, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, Anna Paquin

There are numerous rumours flying about whether Brian Cox (another great Brit!) is actually going to be in this movie or not. It appears to be on-again, off-again. His character is rumoured to be William Stryker.

Alan Cumming also comes to the franchise as an interesting choice to play the German Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner - another X-character that is all blue, he has the ability to teleport.

A brief synopsis from imdb:
Several years following Magneto's failed attack against humankind, the relations between humans and mutants grow increasingly hostile. Aiding the chaos is William Striker, a mutant-hating televangelist who has great influence over both the public and those in power. Also thrown into the fray is Kurt Wagner, also known as Nightcrawler, a demonic-looking teleporter who makes national news after an attempted assassination of the President of the United States. The X-Men, joined by several new members, retaliate in the name of freedom and equality, but Striker is much more than he appears to be, and therefore a much more formidable opponent than anyone could have predicted.

Visit the X2 IMDB ENTRY for further info.
Official Site

www.scifi.com/scifiwire reports:

Davison Confirms X2 Role

Bruce Davison, who played Sen. Kelly in X-Men, confirmed to SCI FI Wire that he will make an appearance in the upcoming sequel, X2. "I'm going up [to Vancouver] to do something in X-Men 2," Davison said. "Sen. Kelly, they're going to rejuvenate him."

Kelly melted into a puddle of goo in the first X-Men. So how will he return? "Well, I can't tell you that," Davison said. But he did say that it was important to have a character like Kelly in the superhero film, because "it's sort of the human voice of melted reason."

In the first film, Kelly took a hard stance against mutants. This time around, Davison said that would change. "He is one, isn't he?" Davison said coyly. X2 is currently in production, aiming for a May 2, 2003, release.

I am glad this character is returning, I think he brought an interesting perspective to the mutants v normals situation presented in the first movie. I don't read the comics, so I don't know if the character exists there, and I can't predict whether he is going to come out on the side of the X-Men or not.
Oh! Kitty Pride

News from www.countingdown.com

Bryan Singer's X Men franchise is slowly expanding it's cast of characters, with Nightcrawler and Gambit already announced, we now have more Kitty Pride, who had a very brief cameo in the first film (as the student who ran through a wall):

Great news! Katie Stuart will be starring in the next two "X-Men" sequels! "I will be playing Kitty Pride," Says Katie, "Its a fun role, really small. But fun." Don't worry, her part is only small in "X2". Katie says, "I play a much larger part in number three". Filming has begun on the first "X-Men" with the script totally top secret. Katie cannot even see the entire script and she had to sign a contract stating she would not tell anyone about it. "X-Men 2" is scheduled to premiere May 2nd 2003.

While the news that Kitty's role is small when previous reports had it pegged as somewhat important, the more interesting revelation here is that not only is X3 being planned, but that her role in the storyline has already been determined! Kinda makes you wonder when they were planning to start on the third (and final?) entry to the X-Series.
Beast, Colossus, Jubilee, and Siren are all reportedly scheduled to appear in X-Men 2 as cameos according to Countingdown.com. With the exception of Siren, there have been previous rumors surrounding appearances by the afforementioned characters in recent months. However, Countingdown.com claims to have a reliable source that says Fox is currently in the process of casting for the the roles of Colossus, Jubilee, and Siren. The site also reports that they have a trusted source that has confirmed Beast's cameo in the upcoming film. Their source also claims that the movie's official site will soon be host to new content.

Hope this is true. I'd like to see Beast even if it is only a cameo.
Dark Horizons had a thing a while ago about fan pressure to cast Christian Kane (Lindsay from Angel S1&2) as Gambit, but I don't think the character is going to make it into the sequel.... Oh well :D
Re: Anyone?

Yeah, I like Sen. Kelly too, it was good to see how he change his mind after what happen to him. It is going to be interesting how they will bring him back after what happen to him. :eek:

Yeh, the big question about Senator Kelly is how they are going to bring back a character that dissolved! I think it could be interesting - which side will he be on?
the big question is are they goin to hold all the original crew beast,gambit,storm,jean grey,cyclops,professor x and havoc and the bad guys juggernaut,toad,mystique,sabertooth and magneto
Well I'm just glad that these films havent runined people's original views on the comic X-men, more than I can say for Spiderman. I think they should end up having all the original cast.
Saw X-Men 2 at the cinema last week and was wondering if there was a special thread for it or can we discuss the film here???

annette :D

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