Moorcock work: common threads?

Um, yes. That was a common practice with a lot of things, too. What began as a short story (or novelette) was often "expanded" later on into novels. Part of that was that serialization was so popular at the time... and readers' responses sometimes altered the way a long serial developed, for that matter. Or stories that were later combined into an episodic novel (Simak's City, Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles, etc.) Or -- specifically speaking of Moorcock -- "The Jade Man's Eyes" being the first of the stories written, then "Voyage on a Dark Ship" (a retelling from Elric's point of view of an episode from a Hawkmoon novel), and finally a third novelette between, became The Sailor on the Seas of Fate, where "Dark Ship" became the first section, the last tale the second, and then he heavily revised "The Jade Man's Eyes" for the third... giving the ending entirely different implications in the process....
I must admit he is one of my most favorite Authors,I have more of MM's books than any other Author in my collection of about 2000 books.

Did get a rather informative book by Jeff Gardiner published by The British Fantasy Society in 2002.

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