I wonder how Mutant X would


Pre 1986 Comics Fan
Aug 21, 2000
this is a scenerio I would like to see played out on the show. One of the new mutants in the underground is a rapist. He is an obvous menace to the human race and normal jails can't hold them. so that leaves Adam with two chocies kill him or turn him to Eckhart to put in a tube.

I think he would choose the latter, only after Emma fails in placing a mentel block. What do you think?
Originally posted by ZachWZ

I think he would choose the latter, only after Emma fails in placing a mentel block. What do you think?

Good question :D Definitely will be a moral dilemma for Adam, but I think you're right probably he will let Eckart put him in one of the tubes. I suppose because of the greater good. The question will be if Eckart will put him in a tube or use him to make caos. :errrr:

Krystal :coolorang
adam would have to destroy him....Eckhart would only use him as one of his "soilders" Eckhart is too dangerous to give him an evil mind especially an evil mutant mind.
I think Eckhart would tube him. Eckhart's goons are bad guys, yes, but they're really not the psycho-lunatic-rapist type. I don't think Eckhart would want such an impulsive, perverted criminal on his crew.
