shape of the universe?

Well, seems as we've fallen into the realms of surreal (that happens a lot around here...)

My idea...the universe is shaped like...a pomegranate.
a pomegranate is more pleasing to me than a badger's colon for sure.
Well, if you're going to look at the shape of the universe, you've got to look at your position inside that shape. If the universe was shaped like a M&M factory, we'd probably be inside the shelf light in the pie cupboard.
Well, if you're going to look at the shape of the universe, you've got to look at your position inside that shape. If the universe was shaped like a M&M factory, we'd probably be inside the shelf light in the pie cupboard.

That, or the farthest corner of a rat hole in the sub-sub-basement....:rolleyes:
If the Universe was set out as a street of shops, my position would be in Harrods, on the floor that sells the most expensive stuff. Definitely.
Well whatever the shape of the universe is, it's immense! Makes everything else look so insignificant
I thought the universe was like a giant donut constantly turning itself inside-out. At least, that's the assumption I've based all my plans on. If that's incorrect, can someone let me know, because I'll have to repack everything.

read a book on string theory 'The Elegant Universe' and 'Einstien's Unfinished Symphony' which I'm reading now. One of the two states that a universe shaped like a torus would not have given us the results we see now.

My uneducated guess is that it is sheroid if flattened out, but it probably looks like a brain, all those tiny folds everywhere, which would make for good jump points if we ever get a break-through in that area

but unless the multi-verse theory is correct there shouldn,t be an outside dimension to view it from, or we might not be able to exist in it
I patented it years ago based off your new design, and you will only end up owning me millions. I own the red bubblewrap.

2007 will be the year of the penguin.
In the century of the fruitbat, in the decade of the undermined shrew, in the year of the startled goat: It was discovered that the universe was shaped like a convex lens.
If that's the case the giant turtle may get some wrong ideas and think himself is the universe.
General consensus among those who have studied the subject, run experiments to test hypotheses, etc. (not the general lay populace)? I'd say that's exactly what's the most important and the most likely to have the correct answers. Throwing out other ideas is certainly helpful, and may provide new things to look at (and therefore maverick ideas -- as long as they are soundly based, not simply wool-gathering -- can have a beneficial function); but the best models are taken from the "general consensus" given above. In fact, it's the only way in which to rigorously test an idea and see whether it has merit! This isn't one of those things an individual can accomplish alone; not in cosmology, you can't.
The answer is much more simple: there is no universe in the first place.
Universe is a mental construction (sum of all existence, all space and all time and all matter, etc) but it does not refer to anything at all.

It can't be. Existence means objective relations, which by definition can not exist for the universe (or universe would not be universe, but just some local part of a much vaster reality).
