Search results

  1. jenna

    Single-minded Terry Goodkind

    ROFL! I stopped reading Goodkind after... I can't remember the name of the book now (sold them all on Ebay years ago!). I heard that he is now writing literary fiction or non fiction or something. (Not that he was ever writing genre-fiction, of course ;) )
  2. jenna

    Romance in fantasy

    I don't think you should force romance into your book if it doesn't feel right. Just write a really cracking plot and no one will even realise it's missing!
  3. jenna

    A Question on Maps

    Love maps - love making them, love looking at them! If you are awful at geography and directions like me, then they are a god send in a traveling adventure book!
  4. jenna

    WHO are YOU?

    Dustinzgirl, I also write web article content, web page content, E-Books etc. I used to work for a retail company, but they were shocking (I've posted a few of the pathetic debacles I've had with that company, yargh!), and I just got fired a couple of weeks ago for no reason and with no notice...
  5. jenna

    Legend of the Seeker

    Well, I still think it will be fun to watch. I watched the 10 min preview on You Tube and it seems pretty awful, but in a good way. (This is from someone who lists Grease 2 and Showgirls as awesome movies!) They could definitely have done a better job casting Richard. He is meant to be big...
  6. jenna

    Back Up Your Data!

    Note to self, Never take uncopied manuscript on a bus. Seems to be asking for trouble!
  7. jenna

    Legend of the Seeker

    … could not have been more dull if the creators had tried. The acting is amateurish. The action is sluggish. The story moves slower than a snail on a glacier. And it is just so bad there is really nothing funny about it. … OUCH!
  8. jenna

    Legend of the Seeker

    Not a fan of goodkind, but I will so be watching the series. At best it will be a good fantasy romp. At worst, it will be something hilarious that we can all pick on on the boards! Win-win in my eyes!
  9. jenna

    Back Up Your Data!

    I am lucky that I didn't lose as much as you, but still there was so many, many hours of painstaking work that some random junkie stole from me. I try to remind myself that everything happens for a reason, but it doesn't make me feel all that much better about it...
  10. jenna

    Back Up Your Data!

    Dreir, I hear you. Some of you might remember that I has my laptop stolen a few months ago. The laptop happened to be inside the same bag as the USB keys that all of my info was stored on. Funny, it had never occured to me to back up my info in case of theft, I was only thinking of if my laptop...
  11. jenna

    Anyone using OS X to do their writing?

    I'm one of those annoying Mac elitists that everyone hates. I can barely stand touching anything that's Windows based as I just find it too confusing and frustrating, after using a Mac for the better part of 10 years. At the moment I have a MacBook with OSX 10.5.2, and I find it to be just...
  12. jenna

    summer project

    That is AWESOME. I wish I had friends like that when I was young.. Can I come play for the summer? It's too cold here and I'm sick of my job and my boss yelling at me all the time!
  13. jenna

    Oh no what page was I on?

    It all depends on what I'm reading. If it's a brand new book, or a limited edition, or signed or what-not, I tend to take better care of it. Especially if it's a borrowed book, then I stress a bit about the state of it! If it's something I grabbed out of the $5 bin at Angus & Robertsons, I...
  14. jenna

    Does the world have to end?

    Oh... I want to see the super-dragon! I think your idea sounds great. The main conflict that matters in a story is the inter-personal and individual conflicts, to my mind. You can have a whole End is Nigh, asteroid hitting Earth story - but if the characters aren't conflicted it will just be...
  15. jenna

    For shame! What's your Guilty pleasure?

    I don't think of obscure or B-grade sci-fi/genre movies as guilty pleasures, they're just pleasures! My idea of a real guilty pleasure is a film like the Notebook. Ridiculous girly crap that I normally wouldn't touch, but dear god, I have been in love with Ryan Gosling since The Believer, and...
  16. jenna

    Advice / Recommendations Needed

    You're all awesome :) I have heaps of ideas now, I'm so super confident I'm going to turn my friend into a reading addict!
  17. jenna

    A short story with romantic elements and the parallel universe (not Donnie Darko)

    I really, really liked the beginning. It was different, it was captivating, it was mysterious and it most definitely drew me in. Even though I had to use my imagination to fill in the grammar, I think you have the beginnings of something good here. The idea is interesting, and if developed I...
  18. jenna

    Advice / Recommendations Needed

    Yes, I do think that would be a good idea. Any suggestions on good collections?
  19. jenna

    Advice / Recommendations Needed

    Good points everyone. He is very into history and science, but I think that hard sci-fi would be too much for him right now. I was thinking historical fiction, ie Pressfield's Gates of Fire or something along those lines. I think Harry Potter would be a little too young for him, I don't see him...
  20. jenna

    Advice / Recommendations Needed

    Hey all, I am trying desperately to get a close friend of mine into reading. He has the desire to start, but he is the type of person who has never read a fiction novel, and is more of a math person than a literature person. I have lent him 5 or so books from my own collection, of different...