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  1. BetaWolf

    GAME: Hook my first line and sink her in to a paragraph!

    Benjamin cupped the green slime in his hands, its metallic stench filling his lungs as its glow danced on his face. "What are you waiting for?" Eris demanded. "This is what we came all this way for." He gazed up at her and opened his mouth. No words came to him, so he did as she bid him. In...
  2. BetaWolf

    Describe your character/story in eight words

    Dragon girl saves her mother from plotting courtiers.
  3. BetaWolf

    Consider Phlebas

    I'd heard good things about Banks, and read his last interview. So, i picked up Use of Weapons and could not really fathom it. It was very dreamlike and out of order, so I guess that threw me. I'll try another one though.
  4. BetaWolf

    Animal Protagonists

    Congrats, Mouse. :) One of my favorite parts of A Game of Thrones were the wolfish scenes where everything's driven by hunger and blood. Very much like White Fang, which is another good one. Jack London was criticized at the time for being too sentimental about wolves and dogs.
  5. BetaWolf

    Sean Bean interview about returning to GOT had me confused about the books... Buller?

    Re: Sean Bean interview about returning to GOT had me confused about the books... Bul You mean Jon Snow, Dany, and the Lannister twins are all half-siblings! Just my thinking, based on thin evidence--Tywin Lannister's sister seemed to suggest that someone was going on between the Mad King and...
  6. BetaWolf

    Metaphors / Simile For Things That A Character Shouldn't Know

    The far right in US politics uses the metric system (and science in general I think) as an example of nefarious foreign influence. :D In my fantasy writing, I use heads for height, steps and paces for short distance, and leagues for long distances. I guess for space opera and hard sci fi, metric...
  7. BetaWolf


    I mulled this one over, Bowler, and don't want to repeat what others have said. I agree with Brian on POV. Without knowing too much about what you're doing, it seems a little too easy a perspective, maybe. Reminded me of a chick hatching out of a hen's egg which is fine. You can make it a rather...
  8. BetaWolf


    Just finished it today. I preferred it to American Gods; there's more subtlety and ambiguity that reminds me of Coraline. Somehow Gaiman makes it all work, even though, yeah, it is a bit of a standard heroic quest with some twists and betrayals.
  9. BetaWolf

    Metaphors / Simile For Things That A Character Shouldn't Know

    You've got some precedents there. From Star Wars, ep.4: Ben Kenobi: "Still, even a duck has to be taught to swim." Luke Skywalker: "What's a duck?" Played for laughs. The well traveled old warrior and his new protege, the desert-world farm boy. In Dune and Star Trek, you get all kinds...
  10. BetaWolf

    First Lines

    Yolene sat by the fire waiting for Dimitri to return. His daughter lay asleep in her furs, while their son stirred in her womb. The door creaked opened—for the second time tonight—and she rose to her feet expectantly.
  11. BetaWolf

    Historical accuracy important?

    Interesting question, interesting responses. Things like gender roles are kind of tricky. A lot of fantasy set in original worlds make everything fit high medieval society, so it's like medieval France or Germany or Italy or Britain with dragons and wizards and so on. Depends on what the author...
  12. BetaWolf

    Creating your own setting

    I've played with some things, and it's good to. Basic problems are there (the seven vices work in the past, present, and future), whatever your setting, but you should not be constrained by genre expectations too much.
  13. BetaWolf

    Too Alien or Not Alien Enough?

    I guess the militarist reptilians works, with enough dissension in the ranks maybe to keep things interesting. The later Star Trek series did this for the Klingons, for example. To the Pacifists: look at pacifists from Earth cultures--Tibetan monks, Amish and Quakers from 1600s-1700s forward...
  14. BetaWolf

    History and Fantasy

    I say keep them coming. I'll promote this on the FB Fantasy Writers group that I belong to. :)
  15. BetaWolf

    Self-published Books

    That's a good, balanced view of things, Teresa. I am reading more self-published e-books after joining a Facebook group dedicated to fantasy writers. Some are of quality in writing and formatting as something a major publishing house would put out. What I'm hearing from authors that I know is...
  16. BetaWolf

    December's Daring Descent into Dynamically Divergent Documents

    I was a last-minute beta reader for one of my FB friends. Her book called The Saga of Menyoral: Hard Luck, is on Amazon. Excerpt: M.A. Ray | Reading, writing, and general weirdness. I'm reading more e-books by new writers and having fun networking with them than reading paper and glue books. I...
  17. BetaWolf

    Off the Cuff (Fast PlaybyPost)

    Michael landed face down in the slime pit with a squish. He heard a scratchy voice. "This is my slime pit. Get your own." Pulling himself into a sitting position, he looked around for the origin of the voice. "Don't make me repeat myself. The worms, the slime, everything. It's mine!" The...
  18. BetaWolf

    Discussion Thread -- SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- December 2013

    Thank you, StarBeast, for your review. Wasn't sure how that one would go over. And my gratitude to you, Victoria, for your encouraging words.
  19. BetaWolf

    Discussion Thread -- SEVENTY-FIVE WORD WRITING CHALLENGE -- December 2013

    Thanks for the review, Perpetual Man.
  20. BetaWolf

    Emotive Weather

    Good suggestions. I thought of the otherwise wonky MIB2, so good call, Zebra. I would also go to mythology. In Irish mythology, druids can affect the weather, often harming themselves as they do so. Demeter in Greek mythology gets depressed over Hades's capture of her daughter Persephone...