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  1. JunkMonkey

    Units of Measurement

    Another one of those inconvenient facts that Flat Earthers studiously ignore.
  2. JunkMonkey

    Units of Measurement

    Here's one from How it Works a UK popular science mag aimed I guess at kids. The heart-shaped mark on Pluto discovered by the 2015 probe New Horizons was, we are told, caused by a "slow motion glancing collision with an icy rock wider than Kansas is long." Why a British magazine is using as a...
  3. JunkMonkey

    What was the last movie you saw?

    Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure - Well that was a bloody chore. I spent the whole film wishing the heroes would get eaten and wondering how anyone could written so thin and uninteresting a script even one from a 'Story by George Lucas'. Though he had some chutzpah to claim a story credit...
  4. JunkMonkey

    How to edit pdf book?

    I've not tried it but I noticed the last update of Firefox announced it now allowed you to directly edit PDFs.
  5. JunkMonkey

    French Science Fiction Authors

    Les prisonniers de Kazor par Richard-Bessiere Fleuve Noir #422 The crew of the Aristote (heroes of several previous books; only one I have read) are on their way home for some well deserved R&R when they find they aren't getting any R&R after all and are briefed on their new mission. A few...
  6. JunkMonkey

    Roger Corman

    I spent a couple of months working in Corman's studio back in the day. I met him a couple of times, briefly, in passing; he was pleasant and charming - to me at least - but then I was working for him for nothing on a tourist visa. I remember overhearing a bit of conversation in the office one...
  7. JunkMonkey

    Word of the Day: unusual words you may not have heard of

    I think Gutenberg let that cat out of the bag a long time ago. Before movable type that sort of thing (like everything else) had to be written out by hand.
  8. JunkMonkey

    Word of the Day: unusual words you may not have heard of

    Not totally, Social Media is (are?) just a method of transmission that has made the process easier. It's been going on for centuries, if not millenia. Pace the 'Mushroom Method' of management. "Keep 'em in the dark and occasionally shovel sh*t on them."
  9. JunkMonkey

    Ever come across a series that never finished?

    If you have the Hachette 200ad Ultimate Edition the art is presented at 200mm from top frame line to bottom; the original as printed in the weekly comic measured 250mm from top to bottom. Not sure what size the original art would have been but the only piece of original 2000ad art I own (by a...
  10. JunkMonkey

    Ever come across a series that never finished?

    It is, and since remembering it for this thread, I have been wanting to read it again. I've been unsuccessfully searching the house all day for either of the two copies I know we have... and found a third! Belongs to daughter Number One and is still shrink wrapped so I have as her permission...
  11. JunkMonkey

    Ever come across a series that never finished?

    Oh here's one that I should have thought of earlier:
  12. JunkMonkey

    Word of the Day: unusual words you may not have heard of

    Agnotology: the study (and practice) of how ignorance and doubt is spread in society.
  13. JunkMonkey

    Worst SFF Book Ever

    It's very easy these days to find bad writing when everyone with a manuscript and the arrogance / self-confidence and money to pay a printer to put it out there can do so. Old bad writing is a lot more fun to find but, back in the days when paid by the word pulp was churned out in prodigious...
  14. JunkMonkey

    Units of Measurement

    Imperial AND pre-decimal!
  15. JunkMonkey

    Any one read any atlas seaboard comics??

    The same twist - It's EARTH! - gag has been used many many times. The American edit of Ikarie XB1 (1964), and Women of the Prehistoric Planet (1966) are a couple that immediately spring to mind.
  16. JunkMonkey

    Any one read any atlas seaboard comics??

    Did that happen in the Bava film? I seem to recall it was a very Alien-like setup in that an exploration ship went to rescue another ship on a previously uninvestigated alien planet. Ancient wreck discovered. Incorporeal vampires possess the crew. Nearly everyone dies; the last few crew members...
  17. JunkMonkey

    Any one read any atlas seaboard comics??

    If it was they threw away any observable connection. More likely inspired by Matheson's I am Legion crossed with a Italian post Mad Max rip off.
  18. JunkMonkey


    Episode 21 - Travis After a shapeless mess of a montage with bits of Divinity Clustering from a load of previous episodes thrown at the screen in an attempt to make it look like this show has some form of coherent overarching backstory, we get back to what this show does best. After a shot of...
  19. JunkMonkey


    I just noticed I've mislabelled that last episode as number 19. It wasn't. It was number 18. The real number 19 is called 'Bad Girls' and I remember watching it before my hard drive died but remember nothing about it at all - apart from Gary Cady, the actor playing the father of the bad girls...
  20. JunkMonkey


    I've been meaning to get round to finishing this show for the longest time but was slightly stymied by the external hard drive which held the episodes having died. Thanks for the reminder, Baylor.