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    Question on Janny Wurts' Curse of the Mistwraith (War of Light and Shadow)

    I will probably make another attempt at the book after school finally ends. And The Magic of Recluce (the first book in the series) is very interesting, it is very well written, and takes place in a very interesting world. Great source for information on the book...
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    Question on Janny Wurts' Curse of the Mistwraith (War of Light and Shadow)

    So would reading "Curse of the Mistwraith" be worth my time? I tried a few months ago but couldn't get past the first ten pages. Also; the Recluce series is quite good.
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    Three Issues

    Aren't "Thomas" and "Tomas" pronounced the same way? Or are we here in ol' Canadia pronouncing it incorrectly?
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    The NEW Elvish name translator.

    Lenwë Calafalas or Finwë Calafalas (Lenwe= Nicholas and Finwe=Nick) Pretty cool...
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    Bad writing in the LOTR movies

    Hmmm... I agree somewhat. I still will love the films no matter what is said about them, but the dialogue is quite iffy in several places.
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    David Eddings passes away

    He will be missed, I am a great fan of his style, simplistic but well written. I actually felt tears coming on when I heard about this... I really did...
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    Which Belgariad character are you?

    You Scored as HettarYou're a little moody, but you probably have good reasons. You have very solid priorities, and you are perfectly happy with executing your goals all by yourself. Even though you're busy being the self-appointed hand of justice, be open to change and to the possibility of...
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    New Raymond E. Feist Book Out Soon

    That is so true! We rarely get to read about the awesomeness that is Dwarves!
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    Yeah, yeah, but besides fantasy...

    I enjoy History and Mythology... and anything written decently XD
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    Well I like to have the hardcovers to... well just to have... But I agree with you, I prefer reading paperbacks, they don't feel as breakable, and they're cheaper to replace.
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    What was the first SF/Fantasy book that you read?

    My first Fantasy novel was Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone, which I read in first grade... XD And the one which really sparked my interest in the genre was Eragon, which I still find a decent read.
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    Creating names

    I use normal names, but sometimes just randomly make them up XD My villain is Lord Carlisle...
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    Wheel of Time series

    Actually they are developing an MMO, I can't remember where I read that though...
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    Top 5 Gaming series

    Ummm... this is hard XD... 1-Mario (in general) 2-Zelda 3-Warcraft/Starcraft 4-Civilization 5-Elder Scrolls
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    Otherland as good as MS&T?

    I'm on the final book of the Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn series (To Green Angel Tower Part 2), and was wondering if the Otherland series is as good, or nearly as good as this series?
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    Just finished reading Farseer sextology - it can't be finished can it?

    I actually read the Liveship Traders before the other two, so I was of the mind that the Six Duchies were a place where barbarians dwelled... XD She paints such a picture doesn't she?
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    Raymond E Fiest: pronunciations?

    Yeah, the 'ts' in Tsurani throws me off, I can't quite describe how I pronounce it, though Tiss is probably close enough lol
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    Raymond E Fiest: pronunciations?

    For Tsurannuanni: Tiss-ure-ann-wannie (Weird eh?) Nakor: Na-kore Crydee: Cri-dee Tomas: Toe-mass Yeah weird huh?
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    Todd mccaffrey is ruining pern!

    Am I the only one who doesn't mind Todd McCaffrey's work? It's not the same as his mother's, but it's still decent, in my opinion at least...
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    Star Trek (2009)

    Looks awesome, though I absolutely HATE the original series, how anyone can like that crap is beyond me, Star Trek didn't become good until the first movie...