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  1. dreir

    Deus Ex Machina vs. A Twist

    Peter, I agree that the eagles do not fit into the original definition of a DEM as per ancient Greek drama, but the 'line' has become blurred over the years. The definition has evolved to encompass a broader scope of plot devices, probably out of gradual misuse as much as anything else. Just...
  2. dreir

    How to write...

    Thanks, Kes.. I have, in fact, read and finished the book, mainly because I found that in the introduction, OSC himself says that you can safely read it without knowing anything about EG. I just finished it about 2 days ago (in about 4 days. I know, that seems a long time, but reading time has...
  3. dreir

    Deus Ex Machina vs. A Twist

    Exactly. I like this. As to taking LOTR and the Hobbit as separate works, that may be part of the explanation since I first read LOTR before I read the Hobbit, but I don't think I changed my mind much after I read the latter. We just don't feel as robbed because it happens after the ring is...
  4. dreir

    Deus Ex Machina vs. A Twist

    I'm in the DEM camp on this one. It struck me like a DEM the first time I read it, so I'm gonna go with that. After all, it's your reader's first impression that's going to tell you whether it's a DEM or not, I think. I'm not sure if being not part of the quest objective is a valid excuse...
  5. dreir

    Deus Ex Machina vs. A Twist

    Hmm.. I'm beginning to think that ending your novels with a deus ex machina is a lot more fun than the old unexpected-but-satisfactory twist method. An ageing Rambo surfing down an avalanche using an elven shield while spraying the Dark Lord with bullets sounds just perfect for the climax of my...
  6. dreir

    So can I post my writing here?

    Hi newlife :) You have a rather unconventional definition of 'very bad', as I think most people here would say that your English is 'very good'. And your post had great word choices, consistent style and a very natural flow to it that led perfectly to that final question and main point. And...
  7. dreir


    hello .. err.. solo.. :) - Dreir -
  8. dreir

    How long have you loved Eddings?

    When I was 14, while I was at a boarding school (roughly 20 years ago :p). Somebody left Magician's Gambit in the study hall, and I 'borrowed' it because of the intriguing cover. It was my first adult-size book. It opened up a whole new world to me and sparked my eternal love for the fantasy...
  9. dreir

    The "Geography" in a Book

    I dunno.. That whole warning thing looks like a 'Do Not Fish' sign to me, so I'm just gonna ignore it like I always do. So, Ursa, how did you say I should drag those edit points again? I'm up to the 23rd little inlet on this inch-long coastline on my A2-paper map, so I'm doing great. Just...
  10. dreir

    April's Amazing Adventures in Fiction

    I believe Toby is a regular poster here? I'm about one-third of the way into Lean Times in Lankhmar (Lankhmar collection no 2). Yeah, shame on me for only reading it now.. :o - Dreir -
  11. dreir

    The Land of Ilvar: The Forgotten (Intro)

    Damn, you're right. And I never even noticed it. - Dreir -
  12. dreir

    Fun Haiku

    Blessed be hoopy Whose intervention timely Kept this thread alive - Dreir -
  13. dreir

    Final lines....

    The setting sun found me still kneeling there, a silent gargoyle watching over a forgotten cemetery, the stake and hammer hanging loosely from my arms, hoping beyond hope that my lover would rise again from the coffin. - Dreir -
  14. dreir

    A prologue for critique

    Dreir, scourge of balrogs, laughs scornfully at Boneman's squeamishness. Nice.. I like it, too. Well, here are the nits that I have picked.. :) [/SIZE][/FONT] Is 'cleric of the prophecies' a proper title or is it an institution of which Gryish is a member, or perhaps is the head of? If the...
  15. dreir

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah.. I was also impressed by the premise after reading the summary, and all the reviewers were, too, but they say that the book could've been so much more than it was, so it ended up disappointing. I might still give it a try just to find out how Sanderson develops the idea, but it's gonna...
  16. dreir

    The "Geography" in a Book

    But being a cartographer is sooo much fun!! :D - Dreir -
  17. dreir

    Author thread for CJ Cherryh?

    Thanks for the clarification, Teresa. I thought it was something like that. And come to think of it, jdw's quite right, too; there are a lot of other writers who 'deserve' a section, I guess. One other question: do author sections ever get terminated once activity dies down? I've seen sections...
  18. dreir

    Ray Bradbury

    Or maybe there are just many more of us who like and read *both* than most people expect? I'm one of those strange organisms who read almost exclusively fantasy novels, and almost exclusively science fiction short stories. It's something I've been wanting to get out of for a long while, but it's...
  19. dreir

    Roger Taylor, anyone?

    And I'm talking about the author, not the musician.. This is probably a lost cause, but I would really really like to know, if there are any of you out there, or your friends, or their friends' friends, or even your neighbours' cats, who know of and have read any book by a British author named...
  20. dreir

    Brandon Sanderson

    ** Possible Spoiler in Paragraph 3 (if you've not read Mistborn) ** Last weekend, I went to the bookstore and there was no Well of Ascension. I finished Final Empire a few months ago but only now have the chance to continue to the second book, and it's *not* there! I didn't take it very well...