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  1. Dragonlady

    Creative procrastination

    There is definitely something in this. I'm on draft 2, which is way harder than draft 1 as it has to actually be good (or at least better). So I frequently get stuck, and I'm learning it's important to open the document, and read it even if I don't have any words. This gets my subconscious...
  2. Dragonlady

    Backup techniques for writing?

    i back up scrivener files to google drive with free file sync, and every so often save as a word format too.
  3. Dragonlady

    The Necessity of Describing Characters

    this is sort of my take, what can their physical description show about who they are? Perhaps they take off the apron covered in spatter from baking with the grandkids, or don't have the money to replace their slippers. Just finished a rom com, so totally different, but character descriptions...
  4. Dragonlady

    inciting incidents - when should it be?

    Context: I'm on draft 2 of my WIP trying to pin down the structure which is involving some rewrites. I know there are likely as many answers as writers, but when one source of advice says 'It should be way earlier than advised, about 5% in ' and the other says it must be 10-15% of the way...
  5. Dragonlady

    What are you researching today to write your story? (Did you learn anything interesting?)

    i find most research things I need to know are far too specific to get an answer, without doing a PhD in the subject and learning loads of other stuff along the way.
  6. Dragonlady

    A potential Chron's writer type indicator.

    LDWF. Though with discovery/planning I think I'm squarely in the middle, at the moment at least. (Only finished two first drafts and no second drafts, so a long way to go and a lot to learn).
  7. Dragonlady

    What Game Are You Currently Playing?

    having a trip down memory lane and rediscovering zeus: master of olympus via gog, still good fun!
  8. Dragonlady

    How what we enjoy shapes how we write.

    I love free writing, and hate structuring. I started as a pantser but think the next project I write will be much more enjoyable for having been planned more (I'm doing the work after draft 1 that I would likely try to do at least partly before it next time). @psychotick I have turned to...
  9. Dragonlady

    PoV Describes Known Location

    i often do this by describing the characters' feelings about the place. Are they relieved to finally be back from work to enjoy their favourite creaky leather armchair? Do they sigh every time they enter their office, hoping it will soon be the last time and they get a better job? Does that...
  10. Dragonlady

    2nd Draft- Stuck in Existing Scenes

    It's partly that I know what the characters' growth should be but they start the story too finished, they don't actually have that growth as much as they should. (to overcome his self doubt, he actually needs to demonstrate some, for example). I'm looking at save the cat at the moment as a...
  11. Dragonlady

    2nd Draft- Stuck in Existing Scenes

    @The Big Peat Thanks! One of the main weaknesses at this point is that the character arcs aren't very arcy.
  12. Dragonlady

    Site like bookdepository?

    WOB, formerly world of books, sells second hand books and has free delivery in the UK
  13. Dragonlady

    2nd Draft- Stuck in Existing Scenes

    @Astro Pen that's a good distinctin. I think waffle is one of the few things that aren't wrong at the moment, and if anything, adding in more descriptions and texture is something that I will do at some part of the editing process. That doesn't mean all of the scenes/passages are relevant to the...
  14. Dragonlady

    2nd Draft- Stuck in Existing Scenes

    Thank you @msstice and @sknox , plenty to think on!
  15. Dragonlady

    2nd Draft- Stuck in Existing Scenes

    Thanks all! @HareBrain it's more that I have a feeling the overall thing could be improved, but it's hard to see where to actually add/cut to do that, if that makes any sense. Perhaps I'll make a copy of it and be a bit brutal and see what happens.
  16. Dragonlady

    2nd Draft- Stuck in Existing Scenes

    I'm trying to redraft my novel, and I am finding things to improve, and aware of some larger issues that need working on/resolving. I'm finding, though, it's really easy to get stuck improving current scenes rather than questioning whether they're the right ones. If I know they're adding to the...
  17. Dragonlady

    How to know what's relevant

    @sknox you are probably right, I probably just need to be a bit brutal and play around and see what happens. @Toby Frost There are probably some scenes of the sort that you describe that I have put in to show character or some such - I have tried rewriting my original first chapter , which was...
  18. Dragonlady

    The Past of Cities

    there's a great bit in the Great Yarmouth city walls- largely knocked down now- where the victorians cut a hole in the mediaeval walls to let light into a school
  19. Dragonlady

    The Past of Cities

    remember though it was the Victorians who rebuilt them...
  20. Dragonlady

    Newly Discovered Authors

    I loved the original fantasy novel 'the house in the cerulean sea' by TJ Klune. It's a fantasy where someone is sent to an orphanage where the antichrist and other 'different' children are being raised, and also a gay romance. Never read anything else quite like it and mean to look up his other...