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    Your Empire, Your Rules

    my empire probably couldnt really be called an empire, but i think the lives of the people within the society would be more prosperous than most of those living in a hierachal war state. I'd abbollish all Major religions, i.e. let the people find their own personal beliefs through life instead...
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    The Afternow

    wow thats a really cool concept, im downloading it now, hope its good. apparently there was a radio show once which made everyone believe they were under attack from aliens. similar thing i guess
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    rain will be very heavy ?:D
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    Ancient Solar Death Ray?

    weather or not it is possible, it's still an interesting weapon... even if it stays in fantasy.
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    Future inventions.

    unfortunatley people with morals wont like it... *think second airrian race* what would be more acceptable tho would be to find which 'possible baby' might have a genetic disease, and kill it before it comes to existence...:)
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    EVE Online

    i played it very briefly, and yes, its an amazingly beutiful game with a nice concept... .... but INCREDIBLY boring. the noob tutor bit at the begging is stupid and hard to get into ... andalot of the time u spend just flying through space:eek:
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    The Butterfly Effect (2004)

    <Spoilers> i've seen both endings, the one you described was deffinatly the best. the one where he strangles him self with his own umbilical cord while still in the womb (which they show on sky movies) is just... lame. but otherwise a great movie :D i think the reason that it got bad...
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    Terra Carthago?

    perhaps, if africa grew in wealth, it wouldnt be in the poor economic state it is now, and maybe the world would be more 'equal'?
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    A D&D advert

    hahahah omg thats brilliant. its like shouting geek in the faces of the geeks. :p (in a good way ofcourse;) )
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    Time Travel

    it would only work if you met yourself from the future, was told to join google, joined google, then went back in time and told ur self to join google :P you can't change your own path because it's allready been paved :P but you can go back in time to another dimmension and change an identical...
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    General interconectedness of all things

    i think it is quite possible (but unlikely) for everything to be connected - karma for example. maybe its just coincidence, but when something i know will be happening (for example, going out with my m8s at night) i will be thinking yeah this is great its gonna be fun, we'll get drunk, maybe...
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    aaaaaaaah help!!.. for school

    wow thats spot on! thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much :D
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    aaaaaaaah help!!.. for school

    unfortunatley we havent been givn much info on it yet :( but i've based my work on a photograph of a set of toy rockets from a collection from all over the world... think futurama. i need to find an artist who has dont paintings/models/what ever in the 'pulp fiction' genre...sorry i cant be very...
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    aaaaaaaah help!!.. for school

    i've started an art project at school about 1950's/60's toy rockets.. and need to find an artist who has done work similar to this.. help any one? :( .. please no lichenstien :P
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    Time Travel?

    heres a time line: 1900 - granfather born - 1910 - father born - 1940 - you appear from future and kill grandfather - 1960 - your born - 1970 - you time travel back in time - 1990 but u dont disapear :)
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    Domestic robot to debut in Japan

    they said in the article that the desiscion making bot wont be humanoid, and will infact be stuck on a desk.. so i think if all the robots of the world decided to wipe out humanity we'd be fairly safe because we'd have the advantage of being able to move around... it's a different story for the...
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    i saw this thing on TV about game addiction. apparently every time you reach the next level, get a rare artifact, break the highest score etc. etc. your body releases chemicals which give you a buzz. so gamers keep trying to break the highest score to get the next buzz. games ARE a drug :) but...
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    The Custom You

    id like to either live for ever, or, have the knowledge of everything that has, is, and will happen :)
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    Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics

    nooooo the scutters are friendly:D
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    Which Mythological Form are you???

    You are Form 5, Dragon: The Weaver. As a member of Form 5, you are an intelligent and wise individual. You weigh options by looking at how logical they are and you know that while there may not always be a right or wrong choice, there is always a logical one. People may say you are too...