Discussion thread -- October 2015 75-word Writing Challenge

Mods - not sure if I'm going to phrase this well enough, but is there any simple way of finding out what fonts can be used on Chons?

(There is something I need for my short, and no matter what font I try it does not seem to work!)
A review in Dutch, cool. Thank Google for Google, or I'd never have been able to read the kind words.
Just finished reading the entries so far, which I never do until I've entered myself.
You're all so brilliant.

And the reviews by Victoria and Tim. Marvelous!
You're excelling yourselves guys. How do you keep doing it?
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Gosh, I have less than nothing so far. I feel so terribly glum reading all the other inspired entries when nary the seed of an idea has germinated in my fallow brain.

But there are still many days to go. I shall persevere!
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Well i'm in.... was going to wait until tonight to polish it but was getting apprehensive that someone else might have a similar idea so rattled through in my lunch hour (and a half)

and thanks to @Tim James as the idea came in the middle of the discussion about his reviews
I had nothing, then it came to me in a flash. I'm in!
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farntfar – О веселбата, че настъпва, когато има различни раси, седнали около масата. Езиковата бариера получава прекоси толкова много пъти, че е станат размазани. Вярно е също така, макар, че това, което виждаме тук, показва, че без значение колко различно е безспорно, в центъра.

Hex – Wat 'n klomp oorgedra in hierdie wonderlike storie. Ek is nie seker of ek sou dit een van liefde noem nie, maar dat hy dapper genoeg om 'n posisie deur die huwelik te neem, en al die opofferings wat behels om seker te maak dit werk; terwyl die hou op die verlies van die lewe agtergelaat.

Mr. Orange – një mësim i vlefshëm. Përkthimet kurrë plotësisht besimin. Kush e di se çfarë mund të jetë keqkuptuar. Dhe keqkuptimet që mund të çojnë në ndoshta nuk janë diçka që ju do të duan të mendojë. Si këtu.

ratsy – A tale kahle bezijabulisa, ebonisa izingozi ukubanjwa up in nakho ukuthi kungenzeka awuqapheli ukuthi ngempela kukhona njalo jikelele kungakhathaliseki ukuthi indawo alien, ezimweni akukashintshi.
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HazelRah (adjective) -- Touching one's emotions and invoking one's empathy. ("This tragic tale is so HazelRah that it brings tears to my eyes.")

Ashleyne. B. Watts (noun) -- A subtle and multi-layered play upon words. ("You have to think more than once about this Ashleyne. B. Watts in order to appreciate its full meaning.")

Droflet (verb) -- To point out the consequences of careless behavior through an engaging anecdote. ("The fables of Aesop make use of animals to Droflet their audience.")

Cat's Cradle (noun) -- A work of literature notable for its pyrotechnic use of typography. ("Alfred Bester's The Demolished Man is an example of a classic Cat's Cradle among science fiction novels.")

Bowler1 (adjective) -- Merry, mirthful, and laughingly ribald. ("The works of Rabelais are the most Bowler1 tales in French literature.")

Juliana (noun) -- An ironic and unexpected turn of events. ("O. Henry makes use of a Juliana in The Gift of the Magi.")

Kerrybuchanan (adjective) -- Sublimely mythic and poetic. ("Ode on a Grecian Urn may be the most Kerrybuchanan poem by John Keats.")

farntfar (verb) -- To reveal the foibles of humanity by depicting them in other beings. ("George Orwell made use of farm animals to farntfar the abuses of Joseph Stalin.")

Hex (verb) -- To display dignity and courage in the face of great suffering. ("Joan of Arc was strong enough to Hex during her trial and martyrdom.")

Mr Orange (noun) -- A wry account of the inherent limitations of technology. ("Critics of the new age of instant communication offer a Mr Orange to point out that it is not as beneficial as some may suggest.")

ratsy (verb) -- To point out the universal nature of a phenomenon by presenting it in a unique way. ("One of the uses of speculative fiction is to ratsy human nature by viewing it through inhuman eyes.")
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My goodness,Victoria, that's just wonderous. And in standard Anglo. (y)
'to ratsy human nature...' I love it!!!

Thanks PerpTimGuy and Victoria for the great reviews...and Tim I love the translated phrase 'realize that there is always a general matter that the alien , the circumstances have not changed.'
That might actually be what I put in the first place, or it makes more sense than the original.
