I've Never...

Great thread, glad I found it.

  • I've never read any Tolkien
  • I hate star wars
  • I hate Avatar (Smurf's in Space)
  • I fully blame Joss Whedon for ruining the "Alien" series.
  • Harry Potter bores me to tears.
  • My most prize possession is a massive "Face hugger" Tea mug :)
I've never read
Tanith Lee
Lin Carter
Alastair Reynolds
Iain Banks
Andre Norton
Michael Crichton
Thomas Burnett Swann
Barry Malzberg
Terry Pratchett
JK Rowling
George Zebrowski
Olaf Stapledon

i don't roleplay or video-/computergame
I've never read
Tanith Lee
Lin Carter
Alastair Reynolds
Iain Banks
Andre Norton
Michael Crichton
Thomas Burnett Swann
Barry Malzberg
Terry Pratchett
JK Rowling
George Zebrowski
Olaf Stapledon

i don't roleplay or video-/computergame

All excellent writers.(y)
I never watch horror films. Especially not in the theatre. I usually start laughing in the wrong places and cheer on the killer, shouting hurrahs at each taken-out impossibly clear skinned cheerleader. People start moving away in their seats.

I never watch Natalie Portman Star Wars films.
(Nor Natalie Portman films altogether. Personal Bias. I encountered her on my way to classes, whilst her was walking her dog on her break from filming. She was busy trying to get her dog to redecorate the public sidewalk. I addressed her to give her notice of my presence and that I was attempting to pass her on the sidewalk (silly me for starting it!). I greeted her cordially "Good Morning! What a cute little dog!" As I passed and was continuing towards my school, she pulled out the cigarette from her mouth she had been taking a drag on and blowing the smoke in my direction, she shrieked, "Cute? What? You want to F*CK MY DOG? YOU F*CKING MORON! NICE F*CKING HAT! WANT TO PUT MY DOG IN THAT HAT AND F*CK IT YOU PERVERT?!"
I raised one eyebrow when she ran out of steam. It was quite early in the day to be out pimping your pet, after all. Said sweetly, "Have a nice day!" and got away from what seemed to be an escaped mental patient.
I never wore that hat again, for fear it had some wierd mutant ability in attracting lunatics. The X-crazy Factor. )
I never finished the Wheel of Time series.
I never stopped reading comics. I don't believe in arbitrarily growing up, either.
I never have played any Xbox or Playstation games. I am loyal to my Nintendo systems.
I have never understood the attraction for Patrick Stewart. Face it, Persis Khambatta looked way hotter without hair then he ever will.
I never cried when Matt Smith was dying in Doctor Who. I was secretly hoping they would bring back David Tennant.
I never understood the dislike for Ewoks. They were part Wookie after all.
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1) My name was Steven King so I changed it
2) Star Trek is very good, back here in the sixties
3)Tolkien was good, even StarWars was okay in the 70s
4)I love having never read any Harry Potter
1) My name was Steven King so I changed it
2) Star Trek is very good, back here in the sixties
3)Tolkien was good, even StarWars was okay in the 70s
4)I love having never read any Harry Potter
You are doing it again. You are Time traveling, aren't you, JRiff? That was just one of those loop things that could have destroyed the universe. Thank you for saving us.
I have never Time Traveled. I am jealous.
(Dreams of the beautiful world without Harry Potter in it... What? I'd have to give up my Gameboy? What do you game with here? PONG? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!)
I've stopped reading Heinlein after Time Enough for Love
I'm fond of(among others)
the Simpsons
South Park
Big train
Alan Partridge(satire of the century!)
Fry and Laury ,Smith and Jones,MPyth,Fast Show
Parks and Recreations
The Office(BOTH versions)
Sherlock(ONLY the British ones)
Silent Witness
**EDIT** and COMMUNITy,of course

i've NEVER watched 24
...told, and will never tell (and am not telling), the truth when I post online. ;)

* Cue a surprisingly** large number of computers connected to the Internet bursting into flames. *

** - Surprising because, truth to tell, I've never bought into the idea that a computer would burst into flames on receiving self-contradictory information.

1. I don’t get Dr Who at all. It’s British-by-numbers and just a bit silly.
2. Most superhero stuff leaves me cold, especially the more pretentious stuff.
3. Likewise most YA.
4. Manga leaves me even more cold.
5. Starship Troopers (the novel) is rubbish.
6. I don’t hate Avatar half as much as the rest of mankind does.
7. Joss Whedon’s dialogue is overrated because everyone sounds pretty much the same.
8. I’ve never liked conventions enough to be properly into them.
9. I quite like a lot of things, but I’m not hugely into many of them.
Ive never gotten beyond Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone.
