aSoIaF Trivia Game

I'm stumped... There are one or two more that don't have specific owners mentioned, but I don't remember their names. Unless you're counting Widow's Wail and Oathkeeper, because Oathkeeper is in the Riverlands either in Brienne's hand or Lady Stoneheart's and Widow's Wail is safely tucked in King's Landing since Tommen is too small to use it.
Well, 3 were lost in Dance With Dragons (Not the book, the event). Two of those were mentioned in The Princess and the Queen and third of those and the final one were mentioned as lost in WoIaF. You and Boaz are simply at a disadvantage here for not reading all those as diligently as I did. kukuku

Anyway. I award this to Bran since I want to game to keep on going.

Missing swords are: Lamentation, Truth, Orphan-Maker, and Vigilance.
Pretty easy one. Name three villages beyond the wall that have been occupied at any time during the last few years.
Whitetree. So named because of the mammoth white weirwood heart tree that dominated the village.... in contrast to the smaller white weirwood heart trees associated with every other Wildling village. Why didn't they just call it Bigtree?

As for others... I dunno, unless you call Craster's Keep a village. Jon did not think enough of Craster's to call it a Keep and Dolorous Edd thought it a big pile of Craster's crap.
the place in jon's chapter where he tries to send ships to save them rom to. name: boaz knows
Hardhome... but it's ben deserted since before the conquest... something to do with either ghosts or cannibals.
Okay... Here's new trivia... I'll start with a fact that could be one of many characters. Subsequent clues will narrow the field.

My younger brother has given me counsel.

I protected my little sister.

My daughter is considered a great beauty.

One of my sons took a vow to never marry.

One of my sons got married.

One of my sons is crippled.

I am Hand of the King.

My mother is irascible.
I've never heard anything about Tywin's mother's character. I say you're wrong.

Edit: Oh no! I forgot to take out the lines about the brother and the sister... It was in the draft while I developed facts true of Tywin Lannister, Eddard Stark, and Mace Tyrell.

My younger brother has given me counsel. Stark and Tyrell.

I protected my little sister. Lannister and Stark.

My daughter is considered a great beauty. Lannister, Stark and Tyrell.

One of my sons took a vow to never marry. Lannister, Stark and Tyrell.

One of my sons got married. Lannister, Stark and Tyrell.

One of my sons is crippled. Lannister, Stark and Tyrell.

I am Hand of the King. Lannister, Stark and Tyrell.

My mother is irascible. Tyrell.

So I must now acknowledge that I've bungled yet another trivia..... Sry, you win.
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Lol Yeah. I was confused about the mother part, but sister and brother were totally in Tywin's favour while Eddard's mother was less mentioned than Tywin's and we aren't so sure Jon is Ned's son. I don't even think Tyrell has a younger brother. XD

Okay. Um. I'll give something easy. Which of the great houses has the most questionable claim to their position as wardens?
I might be over thinking this but...

The Boltons are currently the wardens of the north, but are they considered a great house? I guess now they are.

The Lannister's have a strong foothold as wardens of the West, and they are certainly a great house, but last I heard, Jaime was made Warden of the east since Jon Arryn's death. now THAT position is questionable.

Robert Arryn should be the warden of the east, and as a legitimate heir of Jon Arryn it should be indisputable, but we all know what "sweetrobin" is like.

The Tyrells are the wardens of the south, have been for many generations, and they seem strong and capable of keeping that title. However as they are the least established of the great houses. Martells, Lannisters, Starks, Arryns, and Greyjoys have all been kings in the past, ruling over their piece of the 7 kingdoms, but the Tyrells used to be banner men and stewards to their kings, the Gardeners.

If we are talking about Current Wardens, then the Boltons have by far the shakiest claim, but if we are talking only about the true great houses, then it is the Tyrells.
i figure you mean from an historic pov, not current affairs (in which case i'd say Bolton), historically it's House Tyrell --> lots of houses in the Reach especially House Fox have a better link with House Gardener whom ruled the Reach before they got fried by dragons.
I'll let Arsten have it, trying to find the right answer is more fun for me, then finding a trivia for ya'all to answer :)
Boaz and you are better at it then i could ever be

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