Short story published


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2012
My first published writing is Quarterday, a complete rewrite of a short story originally entered in an online challenge (not sff). It's in the current issue of Mslexia - Issue 65 Mar/Apr/May 2015, under the Earth Songs Theme. I'm delighted and it's given me fresh enthusiasm to finish Changeling and start the round of literary agents.

I'm off to York Literary Festival tomorrow for the W&A session - The Submission Process: Literary Agents in Discussion, which I hope will help alleviate the query letter/synopsis angst.
Congrats, Prizzley :)

If you've tweeted about it, remind me of your Twitter handle and I'll RT.
How exciting! I have a subscription to Mslexia -- I will look out for your story!

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