Anime movies


Smile people are watching
Dec 16, 2007
I recently had a friend of mine recommend some anime movies to me and was wondering if anyone had seen them and could tell me if they good? why?why not?

They are
-Spirited Away
-Howls moving castle
-Princess Mononoke

Any comments welcome
I love Spirited Away and Mononoke, and Howl's is made by the same director - Hayao Miyazaki. They are quite moving emotionally and show some wonderful visual imagination, and they avoid the customary annoyingly cutesy features in animation films like those of Disney.

Spirited Away is a kind of Alice in Wonderland story, but with less of the insanity and more of an emotional thrust. Princess Mononoke is an epic adventure with environmental concerns done in a genereally non-preachy way.

Check these reviews of Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away. IMO they're quite accurate in their descriptions of these films :)
Princess Mononoke is by far the best of those three. Its a masterpiece.

Spirited away is decent but way overrated IMO.
I agree with that - I love them all, but I like Princess Mononoke the best of them all. I'd definitely recommend them - in fact any of Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli works.:)
All three of those are good. Spirited away is made more for....younger audiences...still good though. Monoke is fantastic great visual art and story. Howl's is good too. All of Miyazaki's movies genereally are. I'd also recommend Nausicaa Valley of the Wind. By the same guy.
To say again ANYTHING by Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli is a masterpiece and should be watched! (they are also all cheaply available in most places - thank you Disney!)
the three there represent:
Mononoke - one of his greatest older productions - definatly one to watch (as is Nausica!)

Spirited Away - the film that made him a house hold name in the west - one several(I think) ocars - and is a fun film to watch. Though the older films were shown at times before, this is the one that really hit the cinemas!

Howel's Moving Castle - again another top quality film - and the only one on the list that I have not seen
IMO Howl's Moving Castle is the best of the three. It's quirky and strange, but not as childish as Spirited Away, and not as graphic as Monoke.

Graphic ? You mean violently ?

Heh what kind of anime have you seen if you think thats graphic :rolleyes:
from what I have read its (again) not Real Earthsea, but a rewright - but as this is Ghibli is a good rewrite - not his best, but good.
I feel sorry for Ursula - 2 films of her works and both get the core of the books wrong *though the first film was horrendus!*
Hey thanx for the replys.

Just watched Princess Mononoke and it was awesome so I'll try the others next week.
Nausicaa Valley of the Wind: Don't quite know what to think of this one as it was good but strange imo

Howl's moving Castle: What a trippy movies, this one was awesome.
Like others have mentioned, all those movies listed are amazing. I was literally stunned when I saw "Spirited Away" and "Nausicaa". Beautiful movies.

I'm glad we've made you another fan.
I thought Howl was pretty good, too. Very different, but it registered with me on one level and my children on another. Alas, my wife, who's rarely into animation of any sort, was bored out of her skull!
Miyazaki is always excellent. Howl, though, is improved by reading the original book, which fills out some details that the movie neglects. To broaden the field a bit, I'd also recommend 'Tokyo Godfathers', which is extremely trippy and quite a bit of fun. :p
I've yet to see Howl's, but Mononoke and Spirited Away are both VERY good films, and I strongly recommend both. Hayao Miyazaki is different in anime in that he tends to cut down on adult content in favor of character development, internal conflict, and emotion. Wonderful movies, he makes, wonderful!

Mononoke even has a bit of slice and dice action for he who gets bored of the movie's awesome characters. ;)

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